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Holy Bible Research, Inc.

              Earlier this year, Jonathan Davis of Korn told Forbes that he wasn't worried about his children using drugs. "My son Nathan won't ever do that," he said. 'He's 22 years old, he's a DJ. He goes out on the road, he's successful in music. He doesn't drink and he doesn't partake in any of that, because he saw what it did to me. He was three years old when I got sober, but he remembers me coming home and then finding me out on the front porch passed out drunk. Pirate and Zeppy have never seen me drink. There's no drinking in our house. For one, Zeppy [who suffers from Type 1 diabetes] can't, he'll die. And then Pirate, it isn't his thing. They're good kids. They've just never been brought up around that culture to party and have liquor.

"Hopefully Deven and I have taught them correctly, "he added. "That's a dark road. Parties, social drinking, it just leads eventually to bad stuff. You can be one of those people that socially drink, but I am not one of them.",  Aug. 17, 2018 



                     The Hard Knock Files

                                                           2018 unedited novel excerpts, written by Paul Marshall


      The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?  But a life without feeling the whole of your pain and sorrow for another is also a life without feeling joy, peace and spiritual ecstasy   And my tears for her was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.


      The first time I met her….actually, I should mention the first time I saw her.   It was the beginning of summer.  Before I went completely broke from my latest risky ventures and started living on the streets.  Her hair was different the very first time I saw her.  Long blonde dreads.  Dirty, and sexy with a hellfire to the groin.  Her round Swedish face was decorated with silver studs and an ornate nose ring.  Those gorgeous yellow/hazel eyes had me mesmerized.  I could not take my eyes off of her.  I should have.  Dirty hippie and obvious anarchist that she is.  Colorful tattoo art ensconced her chest and virtually the entirety of her perky little breasts.  And yes, another silver stud being hugged between those perky deeply tanned breasts.  She seemed stoic in her lifestyle, whatever that was, that first moment I observed her.  Someone who would never bother talking to me.   I could tell we were Political and Spiritual enemies on every count.   And then she got up to walk away from her computer.  Peeking from under the slit of her long hippie style dress, was those dirty, deep tanned, round, thick legs.  She's walking away with that gorgeous face without as much as a name or eye contact.   And as far as I knew, she was gone forever....that girl had my heart by the balls.         


      These Obama years have certainly created a welfare state for us all.  He practically legalized everything for fags and junkies.  The streets wreak with such filth....but wait a minute.  Am I not part of this filth?  I dine in the soup kitchens they drool in and I slumber in the same bunks that they masturbate in.  I am they and they are me.   The rain is going from a mere drizzle......All alone, where is GOD?  Death may come.  So we make ourselves immortal by creating sky scrapers and priceless art and making love to a woman in a way she will never forget.......Born of sorrow, maybe there is a certain generational depression that arises from the digital malaise of clicks and swipes and texts.  Perhaps the girls out on these streets have found the ultimate opposite of their intangible culture.  Are they finding something real in the ritual of the needle piercing the vein of every arm, leg...even above the eye?  Are they feeling alive in the power of rough sex and the ecstatic mess of a man's life giving substance oozing down her hair and face?  Is she finding meaning in.....look at me, just picking on these poor girls.  What about us fellows out here?....... 


"I HEAR THE DEMONS CRY"  by Paul Marshall,  Apr. 2018

       All over this planet earth, now, as in throughout all of man's history, the evil ones know who we are.  These werewolves smell our scent and seek us out.  The mormon cokehead chefs in the kitchen, the democrat financed A.N.T.I.F.A/#MeToo goons in the streets, the hell spawns in your family that mirror a striking resemblance to Hillary Clinton, and on and on. 
       The cycles of irony in historical trends also keeps me tossing under the full moon.  I remember how a decade ago BluRay DVD's were the premium discs with enhanced features that came with a $20 price tag. Now, BluRay discs can be found in the $5.99 bin at WalMart.  Streaming shows and movies on Netflix or Hulu or Crackle can be typed into your flatscreen with such ease, the novelty alone renders the physical labor of picking up a disc obsolete.  For the moment.  Until the horns of streaming inevitably began to poke out. 
       Rising from the dead, the music platforms of our ancient past are exposing the hatred toward MP3 downloads and the digital sound of music.  The mummies being embraced again are vinyl records and cassette tapes.  The Snowflake Generation are yearning for visceral tangibility in their life, and they find it in holding a physical expression of a piece of music.  Which they can also sell to another human being in real time, in real life, in a tangible form, that digital bits from across evil Facebook or SoundCloud or SnapChat just doesn't satisfy.
       Cyberspace, V.R. and A.I. technology are awesome creations but they have their place in reality, and they cannot replace all of creation.  The geek gods of silicon valley need to step off and stop tempting the Lord thy God by replacing Him with "ancient aliens" or disruptive innovation.  When Jesus was hungry the devil told Him to command a stone to become bread.  And Jesus said to him, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone."  The devil, keen in his wit and intelligence, understood this implication.  So he reasoned into the next idea, that man also gets his strength from having fame and power, by showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.  "To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me...if you, then, will worship me."  (Luke 4: 1-8). 
       Even though Bezos, Zuckerberg, CNN and many in the media/technology sectors have taken the devil up on his offer, Jesus rebuked him and presented the Superior Solution:  "You shall worship the Lord thy GOD and Him only shall you serve."  It's funny how the material possessions that common man considers of high value will at some later time trend downward into low value.  But he is still filled with wrath at the the idea that he cannot replace GOD with his own creations. 
       Again, lets reference even most recent history alone.  Millennials with no knowledge or connection outside of their castrated version of pop music and I-Phone addiction, are sporting Metallica or Slayer t-shirts and prefabricated dirt pants picked up at H&M. Ironically, of course.  Fashion kids notwithstanding, beautiful college girls at the airport are not reading their liberal Marxist literature on their tablet or Kindle but from an actual book, with pages with words printed on them with something called ink.
       Notice all of the addicts throughout the decades who reveled in the idea that they were sticking it to the man by partaking in the marijuana in spite of the laws or self abuse stigma against it.  Now, weed has become legalized and mainstream.  The Mexican cartels don't bother with it because there is no money to be had in what the California government is taxing and selling via controlled dispensaries, Mike Tyson's pot farm and Snoop Dogg's online pot paradise.  This of course has opened the door for addicts of all persuasions to openly smoke up or shoot up or drink up on the city streets and public buses.  Which is why every single state with legalization has the worst population of crime, homelessness and open drug abuse in the streets of their major cities. 
       The devil later took Jesus to Jerusalem to set Him on a pinnacle of the temple so He could get cornered, in a sense.  If He is indeed God, then He could surely jump from this height and save Himself.  The devil even quoted the same Holy Word that Jesus Himself used to defend against the devils dares.  Telling Jesus that the Bible says that the angels will save him, because after all, He is the Holy Son of God.  Jesus again rebuked back, "You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."  Is the government testing GOD by legalizing narcotics and gay marriage?  Are crafty politicians quoting the Bible after committing evil atrocities such as the Benghazi coverup or murdering interns or scrubbing email servers or giving billions of dollars to violent front groups? 
        The devil ended his temptations of Christ and departed from Him.  Until an opportune time (Luke 4:13).  The devil and his legions lurk everywhere around us like a roaring lion.  Seeking whom they may devour.  Do not be surprised by the attacks.  Anticipate them and be prepared with the armor and shield of the Word.  The Word is Christ, that Christ is the Creator.  The GOD over all of creation.  When the people in Jesus' hometown heard His words in the synagogue they were filled with wrath.  And they tried to kill Him (Luke 4:28-30).  Because their demonic spirit knew He had authority which was contrary to their priorities, the demons always seeth and come crying when you are not aligned with them.  Like mormons in business or politics, they will sabotage your efforts and expose you to the others as well. 
        "Ha!  What have you to do with us?  Jesus of Nazereth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are--the Holy One of GOD."  But Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Be silent and come out of him!"  And demons also came out of many crying, "You are the Son of God!"  But He rebuke them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that He was the Christ (Luke 4:34,35,41).  



"COYOTE BLUES"  a short story by Paul Marshall,  May 2018

Oww, Oww, Owwoohh!  Coyote Blues

Running alone or running with the pack
Never man's best friend, and the dog's break your back
Hot Summer day, resting in your den
A California bear is sniffing you out around the bend

What are you gonna' do?!
Oww, Oww, Owwoohh!  Coyote Blues

You break the boredom, make it a night out of the vine's
Poodles and Chow's, and Hobo's and Clowns
Music and Art, and roasted rabbit to make you fart
But animal control is tazing at your grundel

What are you gonna' do?!
Oww, Oww, Owwoohh!  Coyote Blues

Your bite was good, escaping to the back door of a comedy club
Dirty dogs on your trail, but college girls are on stage wrestling in mud
Doncha' be no carnal canine, keep your tail up!
But blondie gave a rub-a-dub from behind the ears,
My, My Buttercup!!!

What are you gonna' do?!
Oww, Oww, Owwoohh!  Coyote Blue

The moon is full, the stars are bright, bright, bright, bright
Sweet meat bunnies are your prey tonight, night, night, night
In the dark, on the prowl, dig your teeth in, feed the growl
In a second you wake, it's all but a dream

In den's you hide, where snakes reside
Your waking life is a covenant with Hell
The grave is the door to refuge, you dog of war
Though chasing and stalking make you feared
Quake Coyote, shake on your claws, 'cause the Farmers gun will soon score

The orchards cry to the hounds for justice
The drills pump oil and the machines rumble the earth where you hide
The LORD will rise on the Mount Yosemite
In the San Jouquin Valley He will be roused
You cartel demon, You facsist canine,
You protestor, You rioter, You indoctrinator, You alien

From the silicon fires of the Napa wine soil
From the methane gas of the Bakersfield Korn hole
From the formaldehyde smoke of the Venice Beach bongs boil


From the Nerd Belt

From the Korn Belt

From the Porn Belt

Elohim will do His deed-strange is His deed
And to work His work-alien is His work
A sheer terror to the DNC terrorists
For you all will hear a decree of destruction
From the Lord GOD of hosts
Against the whole Pelosi territory
South of Heaven
Lucifer's Laboratory
the California Repu=bleak



"THE GOAT TAUNTS"  a short story by Paul Marshall   =April 2018


A flame from the ancient past, why is the heart still aching?
I'll dismiss is it as lust, I've got to be moving on
Telling Amazon to save her number, my Apple Contacts is jealous
The sun opens my eyes, the pores bloom open with life.

On the train, the girl gets on, a homeless, bruised, junkie, wretch
Eating greasy chicken, her gorgeous lips smack and she searches from behind her shades
Her supple hot body moves to a seat, covering her silky almond hair with a beer hat
Can't take my eyes off her mouth, lips greasy with satisfaction.

Resting here, the marble head is correcting from inside the glass box
The Goat taunts me, the dark creek reflects, a war that tugs

Feeling eyes on me, she approaches with her twin, blonde as the vanilla Alps
Looking, I know her pheromone lasso has roped me
Passing, the twins stealthly linger behind
Looking, I take in and size up the possibilities
Passing, she merrily leaves after the thrill has gone.

Floating through the room, the marble head is correcting from inside the glass box
The Goats taunts me, the dark creek reflects a war that tugs

Finding my steps down the spiral staircase, my eyes search and zero in
Her black hair is caught, her beautiful Persian eyes don't see me, I keep my distance
But shifting to the right, the blonde has been smiling and watching me watch her the entire time.
I give her a knowing nod and quietly slip out, down the spiral, into the hustle of the streets

Meandering, the marble head is correcting from inside the glass box
The Goat taunts me, the dark creek reflects a war that tugs

A girl with her head between her knees, out on the street today
Fighting with her parents? Her boyfriend? Her roommates?
She doesn't need a john to survive out here, I wonder if she knows? Why don't I just help?
Homeless females, the most psychotic off all people, is a rule I've set
But these girls seem normal, truly just out of options, out of luck
I fight that my lust doesn't turn me into their john
Sympathy can be a bait and switch con-man.

Pounding the pavement, the marble head is correcting from inside the glass box
The Goat taunts me, the dark creek reflects a war that tugs

The cathedral bell echoes, the seething city plots, it's schemes are heavy on my heart
Got to get back to the Trading Floor, I shoulda' become an investment banker in my Dad's firm
Pharisees and teachers of the law are sitting there.
But I needed the rush of the Live Stock Exchange
My girls are classy, from respectable Ivy League families
Some even share the same alumni as I, my accountants, my clients
I have good standing at our congregation
The mayor and senator pass my laws, the priest and non-profit charities are on my payroll
I can't recruit poor, destitute creatures for Live Stock Exchange
It's bad branding, bad for image, bad for business

Agonizing, the marble head is correcting from inside the glass box
The Goat taunts me, the dark creek reflects a war that tugs
Some demean my moonlighting profession, subversive, illegal
Relegating my girls to $1,000 hookers in a sex club with great Italian sculptures
The mormons are some of my highest paying customers
Plenty of disposable cash from all of that vice regulation tax back home in Utah.

No sweat, I negotiate how to get every soul into my back pocket
Producers, Politions, Priests, Pragmatists, Pollyannas, Pentacostals, Pilots, Pinkos, Palestinians, Promoters, Parents
I am their angel investor, their devil in disquise

The marble in my glass box reasons, correcting me back to respectability
But there is only one thing worse than the Goat that taunts
That incessant enemy I cannot defeat, that ancient foe biting at my heel
These people of the Book, a more despised worm of creation I cannot recall
Why can't they just die already? Leave us enlightened ones here to inherit the earth.
There's nothing worse, I'd rather waste money or watch paint dry or listen to a Hillary Clinton speech.

I really must be getting back to work, the 1:30 meeting beckons at the day job
A hot new high paying contract ensues and I don't know what it is yet
Lobby, elevator, 2nd floor, 10th floor, 20th floor...36th floor, Ding

The secretary greets, I pinch one of her four cheeks
In time, the boardroom is graced with my presence
Briefcases are snapped open, the proposal of all anticipated proposals is revealed
i cannot believe my ears, my heart is stopped
and then irrevocably pounding like a rabbit in heat
The highest paying D.C. contract of our careers,
but I wanna'  vomit right here, all over this polished oak table.

The Goat of all Goats has cursed my existence.
I need cocaine and I need it now.
Chief Executive Officer confirms once more...
"Congratulations gentlemen. Don't take this for granted. Be proud. You are hereby deserving,
hardworking recipients of our best project yet. Lucrative contributors to the exciting new
Museum of the Bible!!!" 



GOD Is Not A Social Worker,  Nov. 2012, by Paul Marshall


     Sometimes it seems as if religious leaders are relaying the idea that we ask, and we simply recieve God’s blessings like a welfare handout, with no effort on our part.

     But the Bible tells me a different story where God made promises of blessings to His people.  First they had to butcher giants to obtain their cities and cattle in Palestine.  Or they had to wander through the desert for 40 years following a pillar of fire and eating fat pheasent and manna.  Paul suffered starvation, imprisonment and shipwreck on his way to spread the Word of Life to the masses in a corrupt Rome.

      Nothing was “given” to them.  They had to take it.  They had to work for it.  They had to fight for it.  They had to earn it.  This is how we know faith is dead without works.  Yes, Christ freely gives out of His mercy.  But He also creates that journey in order to appreciate how Christ had to sweat like great drops of blood upon the earth in agony for our sins.  Just as He had to sacrifice His body and spirit for our spirtual life, we need to sacrifice our sweat and knowledge and labor and time, and sometimes blood, to appreciate the blessings that God has already stored for us.

      There is a whole new dimension to God’s glory on the other side of struggle and sacrifice.  We come out spiritually stronger.  We are better educated by the knowledge of God’s divine hand in the matters of good and evil in everyday life.  That knowledge, that comes through the work of faith, promotes greater adoration for the Savior and Giver of gifts.  Selah.


There is nothing new about guns and violence in America. 


     There isn't even anything new about school shootings in America. Tap on to any old Chuck Norris or Western movie on Netflix and you'll be rained upon by a barrage of machine gun fire. Generations ago there were kids being shot or stabbed by other kids in rough High Schools
from gang rivalries or drug induced scuffles. In past generations, kids used to bring their shotguns to High School,
from California to New York, for target class that was taught by teachers, who had their own guns.

     What is new about today's tension is how 20 year old's or teenagers are walking into their own school or a mall
or a church and not shooting their bully, not shooting some enemy they've had fights with, but shooting other
random kids en masse, that they don't even know. And our instant 24 second media will saturate us with the
minutiae and CNN propaganda for weeks.

      You will hear drug addled journalist's blame these behaviors on "toxic masculinity" or detached unrelated
entities like the NRA. But these Leftist's Weasel Words are created by Left Stream news producers and University
Liberals who are high on pharma and narcotics and who live in a bubble of their own kind, and know nothing about
life or people.

       I know the world and I know people. And there are plenty of you out there who do also. This current mental
illness thats causing 20 year old males to terrorize people isn't from "toxic masculinity". If anything, it's from
a LACK of masculine discipline, power and aggression. This is producing in the Millennial Generation a sort of
psychotic episode that is directly triggered and cultivated by these direct factors: The addiction of checking
one's phone every 2 seconds for video games, SnapChat and PornHub. Sexting girls all day from several states
away whom they've never met in person and whom they don't even know is a girl or a 50 year old man or the N.S.A.
or an A.I. bot. This eventually produces a psychosis and paranoid delusion, based on the person and the amount
of drugs and satanism involved, when in the back of their minds they know this is virtual reality. It's not a real
experience. That in turn can produce a depression and a sort of vapid, hateful indifference toward other human
beings. Especially among those who don't like other people in the first place.

      There's nothing secret about what Millennial's are scrolling up and down their pocket oracles every 2 seconds.
Generation X invented your culture. We started everything you've only known your entire lives. The difference
is we were old enough and some of us mindful enough to detox ourselves from the addicting delusions of social
media and multi media devices before it brainwashed us into mindless texters and psychotic terrorists.

       What the Millennial's need are real men to be their Dads. Because no matter how hard they try Moms cannot
be Dads. Feminist's dikes cannot be Dads. Tri-gender-nuetral tranny's cannot be Dads. Only heterosexual male
head-of-households can be the real men that every child needs to have a fighting chance of producing balance,
innovation, problem solving, proper aggression, and wisdom in their life. And if your all grown up and never had
a Dad, there is still hope. We all know who the ultimate Father of all is. GOD Himself.
"Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from
the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."  =JAMES 1:16,17


---by Paul Marshall, Mar. 2018    


Look to the Bronze Serpent, who is Christ, and you will be saved.  Not as Eve, who looked upon the generic serpent (anti-Christ/Lucifer) and was condemned.  The serpent represents Satan, who is the father of sin and death.  But Christ became cursed and became sin for us (Galatians 3:13), so He could suffer death on our behalf.  For Moses and Christ have spoken this Holy Word.       =Numbers 21:9; 2nd Kings 18:4; John 3:14    


I don’t know what your story might be, but mine is here.  Represented by this publication.  My life’s work.  I am recently become like Jonah.  Being sent by GOD to communicate His holy Word to the enemy, the evil land of Nineveh.  But I’ve been running the other way.  Because of my hatred for the enemy.  Pursuing my skills and talents and trying to integrate myself into the world.  But not pursuing GOD.  Not as my top priority.  Like Jonah, I’ve escaped to a ship only to be thrown overboard as a sacrifice during the sea storm.


Holy Bible Research, Inc. is my whale.  It will hold me and vomit me up to where I belong, at the right time, on the right beach.  And, for the edification of all of you and the glorification of Jesus Christ, the Creator and GOD over all things.  (ref. ACTS 18:24-28)



=Before Sun Tzu (The Art of War, cir. 500 B.C.) there was Yahweh (the GOD of Deuteronomy and Joshua, cir. 1400 B.C.).  “And Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them, and fled by the way of the wilderness. 16 And all the people that were in Ai were called together to pursue after them: and they pursued after Joshua, and were drawn away from the city. 17 And there was not a man left in Ai or Bethel, that went not out after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel. 18 And the LORD said unto Joshua, Stretch out the spear that is in thy hand toward Ai; for I will give it into thine hand. And Joshua stretched out the spear that he had in his hand toward the city. 19 And the ambush arose quickly out of their place, and they ran as soon as he had stretched out his hand: and they entered into the city, and took it, and hasted and set the city on fire.  20 And when the men of Ai looked behind them, they saw, and, behold, the smoke of the city ascended up to heaven, and they had no power to flee this way or that way: and the people that fled to the wilderness turned back upon the pursuers. 21 And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and slew the men of Ai.  22 And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.  23 And the king of Ai they took alive, and brought him to Joshua. 24 And it came to pass, when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness wherein they chased them, and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, that all the Israelites returned unto Ai, and smote it with the edge of the sword.  25 And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.  26 For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.  27 Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel took for a prey unto themselves, according unto the word of the LORD which he commanded Joshua.  28 And Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an heap for ever, even a desolation unto this day.  29 And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.”            -Joshua 8:15-29






=E-mail Paul Marshall at for his books on

-I SEE PALM TREES WALKING (a compilation of poetry, plays, scientific discourse, humor)

- I AM THIER MUSICK (a book of essay’s spanning 10 years)

- THE SUBJECT (a novel about the glamourous life of a jewel/art thief and hitman arriving at a crisis of conscience)

- HEAVEN, HELL AND LIFE HAPPENING (a book of art, photography, graphics and copywriting)

- HIRED GUN  (essays before, during and after the apocalyptic May 21, 2011 judgment day predictions.)

-Pussycat Chronicles (an 8 Act Play about a bad kitty)

-Mars Hill, Hard Knock Files and the Flying Rats in progress



What happened to the great international hub of world power and commerce?  Babylon is now a mound of dirt.  Jericho is a heap.  Yet Jerusalem is still a thriving, multi ethnic metropolis, even with all its ancient, satanic enemies surrounding its borders.   Pay attention Liberals.  The GOD who blesses also curses.


“Think not that I have come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.”  =MATHEW 10:34


=No matter how well our strategies, and how much they might work out…sometimes completely out of our control, GOD moves His hand and saves the day for us on His superior terms.  GOD does save us from ourselves on occasion.  But He still commissions us to struggle, to do work, to wrestle with Him in order to illustrate His genius in the universe .  “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”  =JAMES 2:26  “Lord, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you…” -PSALM 88:


Hollywood to Holy Word.  The Business   by Paul Marshall,  June 2017

The Liberal terrorist’s attacked again with the assassination attempt of more than a dozen Republican Congressman at a baseball practice this week in Virginia.  If Left Stream Media sheeple want to get strategic with their “Summer of Resistence”, we’ll have to get strategic in the fashion of Joshua’s attack against the people of Jericho (Joshua 6:2).  May the wrath of Christ, His reign in blood, be upon their heads.

Remembering that vengeance belongs to GOD, and believe me, His retribution is all encompassing, imaginative and that much sweeter than the feeble minds of a political think tank.  This is so because our Kingdom is not of this world, so why fight for the possessions of it (John 18:36).  But we fight for the spiritual possessions of our spiritual Kingdom.  These possessions are the Biblical Principles, which take a lifetime to discover, embrace and distribute that others might have.  Jesus spoke to us in parables so that the mystery of the Kingdom would be hid (Mark 4:11) from the Pharisees and the Late Night Flaming Liberals, who have eyes but do not see.

So I too, will deliver the tactics of warfare against the satanic onslaught of Liberal terrorist’s in the form of a parable.

=There is more than 1 kind of fish in the sea, and our GOD made it that way.

=There is more than 1 kind of currency:   *trade                *information
*goods               *talent
*sweat equity   *knowledge

=Hard work, communicating on their level, enlightenment, reaching out or entertaining them won’t change an evil person or Company.

=Work hard and do good to glorify GOD and to edify yourself; in the hopes it will edify others.  This is faith, which is dead without works (James 2:26).
The rest is in GOD’s control.


=Everything is a demonstration of GOD’s power.  (Colossians 1:16; Romans 11:36; John 1:3; Hebrews 4:13)
A seemingly simple leaf or a cloud is possible because of a carefully orchestrated and complex order.  More so than that I-Phone in your hand or Virtual Reality or Artifical Intelligence.  Which, by the way, is technology extracted from the earth or from within this galaxy.  Which was created by intelligent design, i.e. GOD.


The real reason Liberals and other snobs hate Trump is because he has his own wealth and his own power.  He doesn’t need their professional victims, or their ACLU or their non-profit organizations that profit from other peoples misery (Planned Parenthood baby killers, methadone “rehab” recreation centers, college rape culture, the impoverished, discriminated against, etc.).  He can’t be bought and sold by the Liberal Gestapo or the G.O.P. Gooks.  The mental disorder of Liberalism (ref. book by Dr. Michael Savage) is that they are 3 times worse in anything they lie about Trump as being.  For example, Hillary Clinton’s uranium sell collusion with Russia whereas the Clinton Foundation was funded and used for money laundering.


By the same token, the world, like the muslims, have historically hated Jews and Christians because we don’t need the wealth and power of the world.  And we’re hard to cajole, we don’t play along with the usual business of the “real world”.  We’re peculiar for not having the same priorities or desires.  We are in effect, a threat. The very nature of GOD’s culture is the antithesis of the heavy handed bureaucracy and Socialist Mommy State the Liberals love so much (ref. pg. 230 of Popular Economics by John Tamny).


In the political world Trump is that fire.  To burn down the weeds and tares of Liberalism in the establishment swamp so that the forest may breathe new life.
In the spiritual world, we are that fire.  Actually, GOD is that all-consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).  To love them, we must destroy them (Joshua 7:11; Mark 8:32; Luke 17:3; 2nd Timothy 4:2; Genesis 19:20; Deuteronomy 4:3; 1Chronicles 5:25; Exodus 22:20).


“I wouldn’t be President without this man.”  =Trump about Dr. Michael Savage             “The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, It is sated with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats, With the fat of the kidneys of rams. For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah And a great slaughter in the land of Edom.”  -ISAIAH 34:6   The purpose and context of the above verse is not to show how righteous the Trump administration and movement is.  But rather, how God’s hand moves the political world when extreme measures have to be made in light of an evil regime like the Demonrat National Convention and the feelings based Liberal political philosophy.  That same GOD is the one who moves mountains and raises the Trumps of the world to march around the walls of Jericho and to slay the Swamp Rats within a kingdom.  “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ...And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.”  –Colossians 2:8,10


=Regarding illegal aliens: “… Rescue me and deliver me out of the hand of aliens, Whose mouth speaks deceit And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood…”  –Psalm 144:11  “Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens.”  –Lamentations 5:2   “… the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,
waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”  -Hebrews 11:34


=The bureaucrats/liberals in D.C. are like your managers at work. They never do actual work and don’t know how to actually do anything.  They’ve been conniving their way through life by manipulating the right people.  Plus, most of them are functional drug addicts these days    which accounts for the high turnover in a lot of industries. Trump is that guy at work who actually does real work and knows how to get real work done.  The insecure managers are so threatened by the guy who knows how to actually do the work they sabotage, back bite, lie, boss around and pit others against the guy who knows how to work and actually solve the problems they were hired to solve.                                                                    –Paul Marshall, Jan. 2017


=And Elijah said unto Elisha, Tarry here, I pray thee; for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel.  And Elisha said unto him, as the Lord liveth, and as they soul liveth, I will not leave thee.  So they went down to Bethel….Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken from thee.  And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me (like Christ when He left the disciples the Holy Spirit upon going back to Heaven)…and he went up thence from Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!”  And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD.  And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.     =2nd Kings 2:2,3,9,23,24


=When besieged from all sides by Liberals, Mormons, Addicts, Scientologists, etc., cogitate on Psalm 31:11-14:  “I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that did see me without fled from me. 12 I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel. 13 For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.  14 But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.”



=”I think everybody should get rich and famous and everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that’s not the answer.”  –Jim Carrey (once Hollywood’s richest actor)  Carrey grew up dirt poor in Canada, sometimes living homeless with his entire family.  So don’t kid yourself by saying he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” –Mathew 16:26


=”Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because GOD has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you…'”  =Hebrews 13:5     Even a few P.h. D.’s in the world see the genius of God’s Word in “Stretch” by Dr. Scott Sonenshien:     “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely–be content with your pay…”   =Luke 3:14


=“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”  –Mathew 4:4     Regarding the Liberals’ snobbery and obsession with the Culinary Arts;  gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins.  Is that why hipsters and liberals are obsessed with restaurants and foodie culture?

“Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart…”   -Eph. 4:18        


The Fem Nazi Liberals and Hollywood Gay Mafia have been teaching the bitches (not most women) Jedi mind tricks on how to undermine and demine men with their words and Hollywood/political agenda.  Only the Bible and Republican logic can blow up their satanic attacks.    “…Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”   -Eph. 4:19


Why is Obama and 70 nations ganging up against Israel?


=Does the discovered tomb of Jesus haunt atheist’s everywhere, or is it even real?


=”…as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”  -Ephesians 4:17-19        


To evil Liberals who try to force a 2nd language for Americans:   “You are very entrenched in your first language…You are probably an excellent reader…of Cambridge and his colleagues reports that monolinguals are superior to bilinguals at metacognition, or thinking about thinking, and that they excel at correcting their performance after making errors…I feel a little better. Thinking about thinking and learning from failed experiments: that is exactly what I do as a neuroscientist.”     =Scientific American Mind, pg. 63, Sept/Oct. 2016


“The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.”  =Titus 1:12  The main tactics of Liberals is to simply lie.  Lie about as many things as possible.  This becomes advantageous in the hope that the opposition would be too unintelligent or uneducated in the devils details to refute the lie.  Hillary Clinton would be one of the devils ultimate manifestations of this pure Liberalism.  It might be worth noting that if you do refute the lie , there’s always the danger of the Clinton tactic; being Vince Fostered.  “This testimony is true.  Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.”  =Titus 1:13   


“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”  =Genesis 1:28     I like doggies and animals as a gift from God too, but they are not equal to or just as important as people.  PETA, animal rights activists and cat ladies need to get a life.  The good news is Christ is the Life, the Light and the Way.   The Most Persecuted People on Earth:                Rich and powerful Mormons like Glen Beck, Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch, John Huntsman and Harry Reid know all about the satanic history and rituals of their church.  Don’t be fooled by their imitation of Christianity and Conservatism.  Educate yourself about this evil cult today and read Mormonism’s Temple of Doom.           (ref. ACTS 19:13-20, 23-27)


=(Like Bill/Hillary Clinton) “Even now they exist in an agony of fear, hatred and complete evil…this place of punishment is the same one Peter spoke of in 2nd Peter 2:4.  Sodom and Gomorrah…going after strange flesh-i.e., practicing homosexuality.  Even in the ancient world, the more sophisticated societies came to practice homosexuality (like Hillary Clinton) without even feeling it was wrong.  Such an acceptance clearly shows how far a culture has gone from the truth of God…2nd Peter 2:12… as brute beasts-Like animals, they know nothing except by instinct, and they do whatever comes naturally, whatever leads to physical gratification….The false teachers have the same attitude as Cain, who killed his brother because of his hatred and envy of Abel’s godly life…The Greek describes them as resembling a rushing torrent, hurrying recklessly after money.”                            –R. Jamieson, D.D., St. Paul’s, Glasgow; Andrew Fausset, A.M., St. Cuthberts, York; D. Brown, D.D., Professor of Theology, Aberdeen—cir. 1880-1910


Bible found objectionable among libraries, put in same category as porn and deviant books.  Liberals that run the libraries prefer Quran or Bhagavad Gita:


A note for bums, panhandlers and potheads:  “And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”  =Acts 3:5-7


=Lamentations is unique in the Scriptures for its mood of almost unremitting gloom. The author has witnessed such terrible suffering-famine, murder, rape, cannibalism and other unspeakable horrors-that the only appropriate response is to give voice to this suffering by raising a cry of woe.  Whereas the book of Job deals with the problem of undeserved suffering at the personal level, Lamentations struggles with the issues raised by a community that is suffering exactly what it deserves-GOD has judged Jerusalem for its sins, to the loss and lamentation of all its citizens.  In his anguish and distress, the poet wants to know.  What is the meaning of all this suffering?


Theological themes (1) Sin: Lamentations makes it clear that Jerusalem is suffering for its sins, many of which are described in dramatic images.  (2) Judgement:  the suffering of the book are all occasional by the fact that GOD has condemned his people for their sins. (3) Mercy:  the book at least hints at the consolation that weary sufferers may find in the tender mercies of a faithful GOD, which are new every morning.   –quoted from an NKJV Study Bible


Did God gave us poisonous spiders and dangerous animals to teach us how to slay wickedness and kill the work of the devil?


Be angry, and sin not-In fact, anger, if not directed against dishonor to God or wrongs committed by men, is illegitimate…rather let him labour– Stealing and idleness go together, thus Paul’s charge is to not only stop stealing, but to begin honest work…corrupt-even good words, unless used appropriately will be destructive instead of useful.  We should not speak vaguely in words that would fit a thousand different occasions.  Rather, our words should be genuine and specifically suited to the present person, time, and place, good to the use of edifying…jesting-This use of language usually stems from a desire to remain inconspicuous by sounding like the people who surround oneself.  Principle is sacrificed to the convenience of the particular occasion.  Implied is a frivolous playful style of treating any subject, for which Ephesus was famous (Plautus’s Miles Gloriosus, 3.1.42-52)….but rather giving of thanks-Giving of thanks brings about the real joy of the spirit that the worldly try to achieve with their style of humor and communication (5:19, 20; James 5:13).


=New Commentary on the Whole Bible, 1990, pgs. 526-527

A study of even the minor prophets of Joel, Hosea, Haggai, etc. would warn of such current evils as legal weed, legal gay marriage, and feminizing the churches/households/military:


How GOD has integrated vitamins and chemicals in our bodies to access if we do things His way (benefits of Conezyme Q-10, HGH, dopamine and Resveratrol):         =PROVERBS 17:22  “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”    =JAMES 1:17  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change..”  =HEBREWS 11:40  “God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.”

“…he saw one of his own being abused…and Moses killed the Egyptian.”                  =Exodus 2:11,12


=Hugh Anderson, excerpt from “The Interpreters One Volume Commentary On The Bible,” 1971

Job is living in that awful period between the demise of the old gods of formal religion and the coming of that other God who is higher than all human systems and calculations and deeper than all human anguish.  Only at last, in the pit of despair, is Job given his reply.  The answer he receives is not an all-embracing philosophical solution to his torment of soul.  Rather, as we have seen, it is an experience, a direct confrontation with the sovereign God, in whose presence Jobs self-righteousness and pride are broken, so that he is now given a new power of being and a new self.


In our own generation we too, like Job, are living precariously between the times.  “Where is God?” sensitive men are asking in this critical interim.  Deep down they have lost the support of the gods of culture, history, and progress.  No God created in the image of man can satisfy their hunger.  No version of religion that equates it simply with human wishes and ambitions or with the cult of individual happiness and success can meet their need.  For our generation has known the wreckage of human hopes and has tasted the bitterness of doubt and despair.  Job speaks to our situation because it speaks of the God who is found, through the night of man’s doubt and sorrow, at the center of the storm, even as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is found by needy men amid the darkness of the cross of Calvary.


=New Commentary on the Whole Bible, pg. 22, 1990                                                                                       Blessed are the poor in spirit…God’s true people are styled “the poor” (the “oppressed”, “afflicted”, “miserable”) or “the needy”-or both together (as in Ps. 40:17; Isaiah 41:17).  …while it is often “the ungodly” who “prosper in the world” (Ps. 73:12)…”those who in their deepest consciousness realize their entire need”…”before God we are void of everything”…the poor in spirit not only shall have-they already have-the kingdom.  While others walk in vanity-in a shadow, in an image-in an unreal world, taking a false view of themselves and the world around them, the poor in spirit are rich in the knowledge of their real case.  Having courage to look this in the face and own it guilelessly, they feel strong in the assurance that “light arises in the darkness for the upright” (Ps. 112:4).


Are the Palestinians and Islam that 7 headed beast of the Anti-Christ?


Bible hating University professors to blame for University/school/church shootings?


Can the devil read my mind:

How Liberalism is another branch of witchcraft:


California is proof that Bible hating Liberals have a mental disorder:

Rabbi Joel Hoffman, in “The Bible Doesn’t Say That”, pg. 211-216, 2016     

                                                                                                                                                      This seed faith theology-which USA Today summarized on Dec. 15, 2009 with the heading “Oral Roberts brought health-and-wealth Gospel mainstream”-influenced Copeland, Osteen and many others, who developed and now preached what is often called “the Prosperity Gospel”: God ‘s plan for believers includes material wealth.


Like most preachers they claim to base their theology in the Bible.  Does the Bible really support it? …Oral Roberts took 3 John 1:2 completely out of context when he turned it into a statement about what God wants for us now.  And others followed his lead.  But 3 John 1:2 is not about prosperity…John 10:10 bridges these two passages, contrasting the thieves with Jesus.  The thieves come to kill and destroy, Jesus comes to help the sheep, so that they “have life.”  Then, using the Greek word perossos the text adds “and have more.”  The exact nuance of this general word here isn’t clear but it doesn’t seem to me an “have life abundantly,” in spite of some translations to that effect.  Rather, it looks like it means ”have abundant life” or even “have eternal life”…”These things are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah…and that through believing, you may have life in his name.”  Finally, John’s theme in chapter 10 is convincing the Jews to believe in Jesus to have eternal life.


All of this evidence indicates that John 10:10 is a theological statement about eternal life after death that has nothing to do with material wealth.  The only connection between John 10:10 and prosperity is that they both involve having lots of something…The New Testament is more concerned with eliminating poverty than with creating wealth.  (This is, apparently, a tricky balance, and modern economists continue to debate whether a rich upper class is good or bad for the poor…Deuteronomy 24:14-15 demands that impoverished laborers be paid for their work before the sun sets…Exodus 22:25 prohibits charging interest to the poor…Exodus 23:11 assigns whatever food happens to grow in the sabbatical year to the poor.  Leviticus 19:1, part of the holiness code, demands that people leave part of their harvest for the poor to gather, and, likewise, leave some grapes on their vines.  Other parts of the Five Books of Moses repeat this requirement on land owners. 

Deuteronomy 15:11 reminds people that there will always be some people in need on the earth so they should give to the poor and the needy.





REFERENCES  or  or  or study courses:

I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.  =Romans 1:14


Art/Photography/Writing on by Paul Marshall unless otherwise stated (also at and

Search books by Kozmo77 (Paul Marshall) at   Books are  =”Hired Gun”,  =”Pussycat Chronicles”,  =”The Subject”,  =”I See Palm Tree’s Walking”. =”I Am Their Musick”.


Jews who believe Christ is the Messiah:


Beware of Muslims who convert to Christianity:


Rabbi’s (and Christians) who doubt their belief in GOD:

Bible study lessons:


Classical education is Bible based:


Tattoo/piercing culture revives Biblical Baal style worshippers for pro drug/sex/party lifestyle?


Think America’s present pagan lifestyle of gadgets and food addiction is so glamorous?  Ancient Pompeian’s had perfect teeth and superior lifestyle too.  Not to mention the lifespans and health of men from Methuselah to Moses:


Is carbon 14 dating harmonious with Bible history without knowing the exact age of the patriarchs’ deaths to the very year, month, week and day?


Is the road to Heaven a dangerous path?

“Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near…”  =GOD in Deuteronomy 32:35 



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